sports acupuncture, medical acupuncture, CHINESe ACUPUNCTURE, FERTILITY ACUPUNCTURE, pregnancy acupuncture, dry needling, ELECTROACUPUNCTURE, cosmetic ACUPUNCTURE, GUASHA, CUPPING
Acupuncture is a practice rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine that involves inserting specialized thin needles into specific points on the body to alleviate pain, promote healing, improve blood flow, and stimulate the nervous system. Did you know that in addition to being useful for pain management and accelerated healing, acupuncture can aid in managing sports injuries, infertility, digestive issues, stress, insomnia, and anxiety? Acupuncture promotes healthy nerve and muscle function while reducing inflammation, improving circulation, and ensuring that acupuncture meridians in the body are healthy and unrestricted. All sessions include an assessment, diagnosis, plan of management, acupuncture treatment, and reassessment.